My Kryptonite

Hi my name is Brandy and my fiance is Donald Fitzgerald. As most of you know Donald has been dubbed "Superman" and for good reason. Donald was diagnosed with ALL (leukemia) when he was 13 years old and relapsed when he was 18. He was cured of this cancer and has gone almost 13 years cancer free. During this time, he has undergone 2 hip replacements and a partial shoulder replacement due to the high doses of steroids he had to take. Then, on March 24th 2011, 3 months after his 32nd birthday, we got the devastating news that the cancer had come back. We are now at UMC about to undergo the long process of Chemo once again. He will have to stay in the hospital for a minimum of 30 days for the initial treatment. He is strong and will beat this once again but we need everyone's prayers. God is in control and there is nothing out of his hands. As someone posted once on facebook "The deals not done until God's done dealing".

Friday, April 29, 2011

Walk this way!

Donald is feeling a little better now. He is sitting up and talking on the phone. When he finishes his antibiotics we are going to try to walk down stairs and get some fresh air. He and I are both tired of being stuck in this hospital room. I believe he will feel much better after he gets up and moves around a little. He has pretty much been in the bed since our arrival this past Monday. Now that his fever seems to have gone he feels more like moving around. If he continues to improve he should only be here a few more days. We will just have to wait and see. Praying for healing.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear the fever finally broke. the antibiotics are at last doing their "thang."
    Good also Donald is able to move around a bit more. That will build up his strength to help him get home, and that will come very soon!
    God grant you both some much needed rest, a bit of peace if possible, and as always healing of all infirmities of the flesh.

    Your servant in Christ and Dixie
