My Kryptonite

Hi my name is Brandy and my fiance is Donald Fitzgerald. As most of you know Donald has been dubbed "Superman" and for good reason. Donald was diagnosed with ALL (leukemia) when he was 13 years old and relapsed when he was 18. He was cured of this cancer and has gone almost 13 years cancer free. During this time, he has undergone 2 hip replacements and a partial shoulder replacement due to the high doses of steroids he had to take. Then, on March 24th 2011, 3 months after his 32nd birthday, we got the devastating news that the cancer had come back. We are now at UMC about to undergo the long process of Chemo once again. He will have to stay in the hospital for a minimum of 30 days for the initial treatment. He is strong and will beat this once again but we need everyone's prayers. God is in control and there is nothing out of his hands. As someone posted once on facebook "The deals not done until God's done dealing".

Friday, April 1, 2011

Praying for rest

It was a pretty uneventful day. Donald has been resting most of the day and trying to get rid of some of this fluid. I left him alone for the first time in days to go for my MRI today. His friend BJ came and stayed with him while Patricia took me over to the Pavilion. Lance came by as well to visit for a while and brought him a case of water and some oreo's. He hasn't gotten into them yet but I'm sure it's only a matter of time. LOL! He is still doing okay. He has been a tad bit emotional the past couple of days but it passes quickly. From what I have been told the Steroids reek havoc on your emotions. He was trying to be mighty man yesterday and tossed a bottle at the trash can with his PICC line arm. Needless to say it didn't feel so good and it is very sore today.  He will get another round of Chemo tomorrow and possibly some more platelets and whole blood. He has not had to have either in 2 days which is great. The bone marrow transplant team called today but Donald was unable to speak with them and will call them tomorrow, assuming they work on Saturday. They are hopefully going to get started on finding a donor for him. Well, we are going to try to get a little sleep tonight. Going to bed early. Praying for healing and rest tonight.

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